Apache Struts

The Apache Struts Project is the open source community of diverse group of contributors  who actively create and maintain the Apache Struts framework for parent organization i.e. "Apache Software Foundation". The Apache Struts Project offers two major versions of the Struts framework i.e. Struts1.x and Struts 2.x, which are free and open source frameworks for creating Java web applications.

Struts 1 is the most popular, mature, well documented, widely supported framework and is the best choice for those who value proven solutions to common problems. However Struts 2, the new version of Struts, is simpler to use and is the best choice for those who value elegant solutions to difficult problems. Struts 2 makes web application development faster and more productive.

Struts 1.x

  1. Introduction to the Apache Struts

  2. MVC Architecture

  3. Struts Architecture

  4. How Struts Works?

  5. Introduction to the Struts Controller

  6. Introduction to the Struts Action Class

  7. Using Struts ActionFrom Class

  8. Using Struts HTML Tags

  9. Introduction to Struts Validator Framework

  10. Client Side Address Validation in Struts

  11. Custom Validators Example

  12. Developing Application with Struts Tiles

  13. Using tiles-defs.xml in Tiles Application

 Advance Struts

  1. Struts DynaActionForm

  2. Struts File Upload

  3. Struts file upload and save on server

 Struts Actions Examples

  1. Struts Built-In Actions

  2. Struts Dispatch Action Example

  3. Struts Forward Action

  4. Struts LookupDispatchAction Example

  5. Struts MappingDispatchAction Example


  7. Configuring Struts DataSource Manager on Tomcat 5


  9. Developing Struts PlugIn

  10. Struts Nested Tag

  11. Struts Logic Tags Examples

 Struts 2

  1. Struts 2 Features

  2. Struts 2 History

  3. Struts 2 Architecture

  4. Why Struts 2

  5. Struts 1.x Vs Struts 2.x

  6. Downloading and Installing Struts 2

 Struts 2 Hello World Application

  1. Creating the development directory Structure

  2. Writing Jsp, Java and Configuration files

  3. Struts 2 xml configuration file

  4. Struts 2 Actions Example

  5. Struts 2 Actions Introduction

  6. Struts 2 Redirect Action

 Struts 2 Login Application

  1. Developing Login Application in Struts 2

  2. Adding Validation to Struts 2 Login Application

  3. Running and testing application

  4. Client Side Validation in Struts 2 Login Application

  5. Validations using Struts 2 Annotations

  6. More Struts Validator Examples

  7. Login/Logout With Session

  8. Connecting to MySQL Database in Struts 2 (Struts 2 MySQL)

 Struts 2 Tags 

  1. Struts Tags