Maven Dependency for com.amazonaws, aws-java-sdk-cloudfront version 1.12.148

In this section developers will find the maven dependency for com.amazonaws, aws-java-sdk-cloudfront version 1.12.148.. Learn to use aws-java-sdk-cloudfront version 1.12.148 dependency with Maven, Gradle, SBT, Ivy, Grape, Leiningen and Buildr build tools

Maven Dependency for com.amazonaws, aws-java-sdk-cloudfront version 1.12.148

In this section developers will find the maven dependency for com.amazonaws, aws-java-sdk-cloudfront version 1.12.148.. Learn to use aws-java-sdk-cloudfront version 1.12.148 dependency with Maven, Gradle, SBT, Ivy, Grape, Leiningen and Buildr build tools.

In this section we will see the dependency code that can be added to Maven, Gradle, SBT, Ivy, Grape, Leiningen and Buildr  based project in order to get aws-java-sdk-cloudfront version 1.12.148 dependency in the project.

The aws-java-sdk-cloudfront version 1.12.148 is released on DATE and its available on the remote repositories such as maven central repositories, which can be used used by developer in their projects. They just have to add the dependency code of aws-java-sdk-cloudfront version 1.12.148 given here.

How to use aws-java-sdk-cloudfront version 1.12.148 in Java Maven project?

Java project using maven can easily download aws-java-sdk-cloudfront version 1.12.148 dependency in your project once you add this dependency in your project.  You can add following code in your pom.xml file to get aws-java-sdk-cloudfront version 1.12.148 version maven dependency in your project.


Above dependency code will download the necessary jar files along with all the dependent packages if any from the remote repositions in your project and you will be able to use the  aws-java-sdk-cloudfront version 1.12.148 in your project. Maven makes it very easy to quickly download  aws-java-sdk-cloudfront dependency packages of specified version e.g. version 1.12.148 in this case.

How to check aws-java-sdk-cloudfront version 1.12.148 library dependencies?

Maven comes with the handy command for finding the dependent libraries in maven based Java projects and this will help us in getting the dependencies tree of aws-java-sdk-cloudfront version 1.12.148. To check the dependency of aws-java-sdk-cloudfront version 1.12.148 you can run following maven command into your project:

mvn dependency:tree

Above command gives the list of all the dependent libraries. In case of aws-java-sdk-cloudfront version 1.12.148 following is the dependency tree:


Here is the screen shot of the command:


How to use aws-java-sdk-cloudfront version 1.12.148 with Gradle, SBT, Ivy, Grape, Leiningen and Buildr?

The aws-java-sdk-cloudfront  can also be used with the other build tools such as Gradle, SBT, Ivy, Grape, Leiningen and Buildr. Let's see the dependency code to be added in the project using these build tools.


Here is the Gradle dependency for aws-java-sdk-cloudfront version 1.12.148:

implementation group: 'aws-java-sdk-cloudfront', name: 'aws-java-sdk-cloudfront', version: '1.12.148'


Here is the SBT dependency for aws-java-sdk-cloudfront version 1.12.148:

libraryDependencies += "aws-java-sdk-cloudfront" % "aws-java-sdk-cloudfront" % "1.12.148"


Here is the Ivy dependency for aws-java-sdk-cloudfront version 1.12.148:

<dependency org="aws-java-sdk-cloudfront" name="aws-java-sdk-cloudfront" rev="1.12.148"/>  


Here is the Gradle dependency for aws-java-sdk-cloudfront version 1.12.148:

	@Grab(group='aws-java-sdk-cloudfront', module='aws-java-sdk-cloudfront', version='1.12.148')


Here is the Leiningen dependency for aws-java-sdk-cloudfront version 1.12.148:

[aws-java-sdk-cloudfront/aws-java-sdk-cloudfront "1.12.148"]


Here is the Buildr dependency for aws-java-sdk-cloudfront version 1.12.148:


In this section we have explored aws-java-sdk-cloudfront version 1.12.148 dependency and learned how to use this dependency in Java projects.
