Java news and releases

Load Balancing Tomcat with Apache

Tomcat is the most popular application server that is used for hosting web applications. Apache is also popular web server that enables services such as https encryption and decryption, URL rewriting etc. Apache also serves as a load balancer for balancing the load between several Tomcat application servers.

Profiles in the Java EE 6 Platform

Profiles are an attempt to modularize the different parts in Java EE so that the technologies can be combined in a product. This will help in solving the issue of compatibility requirements in order to provide the natural approach by spanning the multiple technologies. E.g: Java EE 5 specification contains requirements to which the servlet containers must honor with respect to the availability of JTA. The idea behind Java EE 6 is to rewrite such type of requirements, which can be applied to any profiles and implementations, concerning the relevant combination of technologies. E.g: any product corresponding to any Java EE profile including servlets as well as JTA will have to be sincere to those requirements. The logic includes two components: the first one is that, we think that the Java EE requirements add significant value to standalone technologies, as testified e.g. by the large number of servlet containers implementing JTA so that it is compatible with what Java EE mandates; simultaneously, calling out the requirements that helps to ensure that applications that target profiles will work on the full platform.

This whole phenomena makes profiles more than just collections of independently tested technologies, as those technologies will be tied together in interesting ways, deliver more functionality than they would on their own.


Apache Geronimo 2.1 Released -- Java EE 5

server Recently, Apache Geronimo team announced the release of Apache Geronimo 2.1. Apache Geronimo 2.1 is developed on the Java EE 5 certified 2.0 release of Geronimo. Geronimo 2.1 provides the following new features:

Custom Server Assemblies:

Geronimo 2.1 greatly simplifies the build-time customization. It allows the users to follow a function-centric approach, choosing the desired set of server plugins (e.g. Web Container+JMS+Deploy capabilities).

Flexible Administration Console: Now the Geronimo Administration Console matches the dynamic capabilities of the server runtime.

Gshell: It is a command-line processing environment required to execute Geronimo administrative commands.

WADI Clustering: Now WADI enables to cluster Web Applications for both Tomcat and Jetty-based configurations of Geronimo.

Comet: Reverse Ajax for streaming data from the server

Comet is a technology that pushes the events from the server side to a browser client. It avoids the issues related to having a browser poll a server to check for new events. Comet looks at the nature of real-time events, such as those occurring in the stock market or in sporting matches. Rich-client technologies such as Flash or Java this process seems original particularly since these last technologies have combined mechanisms such as remoting and steaming that deals with asynchronous requests from both server to client and vice versa. But Comet is all about concerning the last process having the same vanilla technologies like Ajax namely JavaScript and

Mar 2008 | Java Jazz Up | 6
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