Mashup Tools
In the mashup space, there are many tools that can be used to create mashups, like Yahoo pipes or
Dapper. This section provides list of some Mashup tools as well as mashups that can be used as
general-purpose tools.
 1. BEA’s Aqualogic Pages
BEA AquaLogic Pages is one of the end-user mashup tools that helps the user creating web pages,
blogs and powerful data driven web applications using drag and drop components. AqualLogic
Pages offers many key capabilities like "In-place editing", "Data management","DataSpaces",
"LiveSpaces", "Page-building components", "Component connecting", "Page linking" etc. AqualLogic
Pages provides benefits like "Everyday users become active creators", "IT distributes the burden of
Web building to participants", "Avoid inefficiencies associated with using email and documents for
everything", "Use the Web to solve urgent, situational challenges", "Boost productivity around ad
hoc activities", "Apply the power of participation to every corner of your business" etc.
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