Tomahawk Tags

If we enter wrong email id then the message written is message tag is displayed like is the figure below:

5-Tomahawk validateRegExpr tag

This tag is used to validate a string entered by the user. If we want the user to enter a specific pattern of string then we can set the pattern for that component For example, we have an input field and we want the user to enter a number that consists of any number with “1” in the beginning but only one “2” at the last. So for this, Tomahawk provides a tag validateRegExpr, which has “pattern” attribute that is used to specify the pattern to be followed by the user while inputting the string in the box. If the entered string is not following the pattern then a message can be displayed using “message” attribute.

Code Description:

<%@ taglib uri=”
html” prefix=”h”%>
<%@ taglib uri=”
core” prefix=”f”%>
<%@ taglib uri=”
tomahawk” prefix=”t”%>
<meta http-equiv=”Content-Type”
content=”text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<title>t:validateRegExpr example</title>
<style type=”text/css”>


<body >
<t:outputText value=”Enter any number
starting from any number of ‘1’s but ‘2’ at
last. “/></p>
<t:inputTextHelp id=”regExprValue”
helpText=”Like :12, 112, 11112"
<t:validateRegExpr pattern=”1*2"
message=”Type correct Number.”/>
<t:message for=”regExprValue”/></p>
<t:commandButton id=”cb” image=”images/
submit_button.gif” action=”welcome”/>

Rendered Output:

This is the output of the above code:


Oct 2007 | Java Jazz Up |38
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